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Python Script for RSA signing/verifying


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This python script, "" uses the python cryptographic library to perform digital signature functions. It can sign data using RSA/PSS and verify signatures. You can first generate an RSA keypair with openssl if you don't have a keypair.

After generating the RSA keypair, you can sign data. The --sign parameter will load the private key(--key), and then it will hash (SHA256) the message that was passed with --sign and then sign the digest. The --verify parameter will load the public key(--key). It will then verify the signature(--signature)/message(--verify) with the public key.

Generate private key:
openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048 -out rsa2048.key

Then you can derive public key from private key:
openssl rsa -in rsa2048.key -pubout -out

Note: This script requires cryptography -
pip3 install cryptography

usage: rsa-signverify [-h] [-k KEY] [-s SIGN] [-v VERIFY] [-sig SIGNATURE] [-out OUT]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-k KEY, --key KEY Define the RSA private or public key file in PEM format
-s SIGN, --sign SIGN Specify file to sign using RSA private key. Uses PSS padding.
-v VERIFY, --verify VERIFY
Specify message to verify using passed RSA public key
-sig SIGNATURE, --signature SIGNATURE
Specify signature to verify using passed RSA public key
-out OUT, --out OUT Define the file in which to write the signature. Defaults to "signature.bin"


Generic signing using your RSA private key. It uses PSS padding (Probabilistic signature scheme). It saves the signature as signature.bin -k private_key.pem -s data.png

Same as above, but define a file to write the signature to a custom file. -k private_key.pem -s data.png -out data.png.sig

====Verifying signatures====

When verifying signatures, pass the public key (public_key.pem) along with the actual message (data.png) and the signature (data.png.sig) -k public_key.pem -v data.png -sig data.png.sig

"Verification Successful" will appear when the signature and message can be verified with the public key.
If the signature does not match, verify() will raise an InvalidSignature exception.